Summer 2023

Welcome to Summer Term in Curie Class
Seaside Holidays
Summer term welcome letter
Dear Parents and carers 
Our topic this term is 'Seaside Holidays'. During the first part of the term we will be making links to much of our science curriculum, and the children wil invite some real live critters into our classroom. We will use this amazing experiece to support our writing opportunities, when we consider different writing genres, such as instructions and non - chronological reports. The term will be very hands on and will hopefully include lots of learning in our outside classroom and spinney, once the better weather arrives. For the second part of the term, we will be thinking about the seaside.
Children have been working so hard to complete their phonics phases and it is clear that children are really applying their knowledge and understanding to their reading and writing now. For reading this term, children will continue to have two leveled books, which must be read four times before changing. Children in Year 1 will also recieve a decodeable book, which matches their phonics sessions, so can parents please log any reading done at home to help track their progress.
PE will still be on a Monday and a Wednesday, so please continue to send your child in their PE kit on those days. Swimming will also remain on every other Friday, so please check the school calendar for dates.
I will carry on sending out spellings and homework on a Friday, as well as setting Purple Mash activities (so please check each week). Year 2 should now be accessing the Times Tables Rock Stars programme, if you have any problems logging in please check the inside of the Home/School Diary, where you will find the login and password details.
This is a really exciting term and I look forward to all of the activities we have planned. Should you have any worries or concerns then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mrs O'Callaghan